who are they for?

The Masters Boxing program at Ringfit is WA’s ONLY program designed to help masters boxers (30+) achieve the bucket list goal of one day getting in the ring. Masters boxing is developing throughout the country with competitions for novice masters or ex elite boxers. Training is tailored specific to work around the busy schedules of masters, and work around the injuries/barriers that some may have. Much like the Fight Team program, the masters group is an INVITE ONLY team that is for those committed, and who have demonstrated the basic fundamentals.



A masters training session focuses on really developing the technique and improving the skills required for competition without putting extra miles on the clock. Typically we break our training down into specific sessions separating our technical, controlled sparring and fitness days.

Classes are still a great workout that will get you thinking and keep challenging you. Our masters community here at Ringfit is an awesome community where each member empowers the next. We also have an online chat forum for communication and support.

Hand wraps, mouth guard, sparring gloves, head gear, and a towel are required for this class. Please Pre book online through the MIND BODY app prior to coming and arrive 10 mins before each session.


Training will consist of a range of different skills which normally involve the following:

- Technique drills
- Basic defence work
- Pad work
- Heavy bag work
- Strength excersises
- Partner pad work
- Speed bag work
- Sparring (controlled & conditional)